Surname Distribution Maps of Austria

Surname Distribution Maps of Austria

Here you can easily create your own surname distribution map of austria.

Some time ago it was easy to create maps for Austria from the site Unfortunately this service was discontinued.

This site will help you to gain more informations about your surname an possible the origin of your surname.

Search your surname!

Some surname samples and their geographic distribution

Austrias most common surnames and typical last names are ...

the surnames Wagner, Gruber, Winkler, Weber and Huber

Where is my surname coming from?

More and more people all over the world are questioning - where i am coming from? Who are my ancestors? Where were they living?

The research of names (Onomastics) engages with this question of the origin of your surname. Widespread names are easy to tell, because there are many sources on the internet. But rare surnames, which are not quite common, are a lot heavier to solve. In this caces surname distribution maps can help you to find out more about your surname.

With the help of such maps you can find accumulations of your surname and therefore the origin of your ancestors. Sometimes also such accumulations help you to find out the originaly meaning of this surname.

That is why also ancestry researchers use these tools, if the are in a dead end and they are looking for other owners of this name. Because then you can search on other places for these ancestors to find out more.
